5+ Examples of the Best Pricing Pages

“Pricing is branding” —Richie Norton

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3D dollar sign
Screenshot of Alitu's pricing page

Why Alitu?

  • Visualizing how Alitu is an all-in-one solution that can replace a dozen expensive tools with just one is a great way to very quickly communicate value in a way that can be easily understood

  • Having a refund policy that goes past the trial period goes a long way toward reducing buyer risk

  • Showing a bunch of reviews from happy customers instills confidence in the product

Screenshots of Notion's website

Why Notion?

  • Very standard structure with multiple plants. Familiarity means its more intuitive to visitors

  • Social proof right above the plans with logos of big companies instills confidence in the software

  • One plan is emphasized as being the "most popular" which helps nudge users in a certain direction

Screenshot of Plausible's pricing section

Why Plausible?

  • Granular pricing allows users to pay for exactly what they need instead of being confined by pre-made plans

  • "No credit card required" is an example of objection handling and reduces buyer hesitation

  • Showing what's included, even though it's regardless of chosen pricing, communicates value to the customer

  • Putting pricing in a section on the home page instead of on its own page allows users to naturally scroll to them

Screenshot of Paddle's pricing page

Why Paddle?

  • Very straightforward pricing and features

  • Only presenting two options takes advantage of Hicks's law (more options leads to harder decisions)

  • "No added costs, no hidden fees" is good objection handling

Screenshot of Genki's website

Why Genki?

  • Pricing is right at the top of the home page which reduces friction now that users don't have to go anywhere to find it

  • Putting the pricing customization behind a few simple options makes it easy for users to get started

Screenshot of Cryptee's pricing section

Why Cryptee?

  • This unique way to visualize the size of each offering makes it easier and faster for users to grasp their options

  • No fluff, doesn't get more straightforward than this. If your users have high buyer intent, this makes the decision easier

Screenshot of Lattice's pricing page

Why Lattice?

  • An example of price anchoring; the first price presented to users becomes their point of reference

  • By showing a more expensive plan first, the others seem cheaper in comparison

Screenshot of Prismic's pricing page

Why Prismic?

  • Rotating through logos of companies that use the plans is a great way to tie social proof into the specific offerings

  • Making the cheaper plans expandable under one option simplifies the initial choice

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